Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Beginning

My mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  It has already been a tough battle, and I know it will continue to be one.  However, I do know what the good Lord, Jesus Christ, is capable of and what he can do.  This blog is all about my journey as a college student away from home through my mother's recovery process and my walk in faith.  I will tell the ups and downs, all about the laughter and the tears, but also about the powerful messages that I am and will be learning through this battle.  Not all days are going to be good days, but like my mom says, "Life isn't over.  It's just slowing down for a bit."


  1. Kerri, I admire your strong faith in this hard time for your mother and know that there are several people who love you and your mom and will be beside her through this. Love you both!

  2. Thanks Shaughnesy, love you baby girl.
